- Identification of the risks / exposures as to what can happen and how can it happen
- Evaluating the risks / exposures utilizing risk models
- Based on Company’s Balance Sheet and Risk Philosophy, develop Risk Retention & Transfer strategy
- Develop a Risk Insuring Strategy based on client’s requirements
- Mapping the context in terms of defining the profile of the sector,
- Analyzing the risk in terms of its likelihood and the consequence of the same
- Developing treatment plans in terms of feasibility of the same
- Conducting detailed evaluation and analysis of the existing Insurance portfolio of clients
- Utilizing risk management systems to conduct thorough inspection of Risk exposures
- Mapping risk exposures with the existing coverage
- Identify any uncovered risks and gaps in the insurance cover
- Optimize the cost of insurance coverage
- Identifying and Collating available Insurance covers required to cover the associated risks
- Initiating discussions with best underwriters in the market to obtain competitive offers
- Obtain & Evaluate various offers received from various underwriters and identify the best solutions
- Negotiate with the underwriters to customize the policy cover and to obtain best possible rates
- Understanding and evaluating Insurance cover to be procured
- Initiate discussions to arrive at optimal sum Insured
- Identifying and selection of the Underwriters for quotations.
- Comparison of quotes on the Technical & Commercial criteria
- Negotiations with the Underwriters & Placement of Insurance business.
- Be a single point of contact for each and every claim that arises which enables the client to avoid any communication gap in terms of information sharing
- Develop Standard Operating Procedure to deal with the claims.
- Ensure adequate allocation of every resource in terms of time, technical know-how, system support, etc. for the smooth functioning of the claims procedure and avoid any friction in the entire process
- Focus on prompt filing of claim & investigation to ensure quick and Cost-effective settlement.
- Complete end-to-end service starting from notification of claim to Investigation /survey to negotiations till the final settlement.
Our repertoire of services ensures maximum risk coverage low premium with claim settlement comes as a cherry.
how can we help you?
Contact us at the office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.